Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Greensleeves essays

Greensleeves essays Greensleeves is the most famous english love song, writeen in 1500 by henry VIII, king of england, for love of Ana Bolena The situation portrayed in this song is the impossible love, because the woman he wants cannot belong to him. This impossibility of love remains evident in the first estanza: The King tells about his love for ana bolena and he tells about the impossibility of love because Ana Bolena cast him out. Love becomes a source of suffering. The King fuls distressed because he is in love. "your vows you've broken, like my heart Henry VIII doesnt understand why did ana bolena enrapture him if she doesn't want him. he laments his heart is captured by her. The loving declaration obeys the convention specifially known as courtley love. The woman inis always unattainable. she os lady and thefore he is in loving vassalage he would make anything for her. your love and good-will for to have" He said the would stayat her hand and make anything for her, he will give anything she would crave. The author doesn't tell the name of the woman. he names her as greensleeves, or my love. Greensleeves is an old but beautiful love song and a very important one, because by analysing this song we can understand about the middle age and about the life of henry VIII, king of england. ...